Some of our forms are located in our portal, MyLCsome are Microsoft Forms that require you to sign in using your LC email and password. Other forms are fillable PDFs (indicated next to the form). 

  1. Click on the document, it will open in a new window. 
  2. Fill out the form completely, except for the area designated to be completed by the department. 
  3. Save or Print the form
    1. To save: download (click the download arrow) or Print to PDF (click print and change the printer to "Save as PDF"
  4. Email/take the form to the additional signers needed on the form, like the Department Chair, Program Coordinator, or Advisor. 
  5. Email the completed form to or bring it by the Office of the Registrar on the 2nd floor of Banks Hall.


Complete Drop Form (Microsoft Form - Should be completed when you want to drop all classes before the start of the semester or before the end of the add/drop period in a semester)

FERPA Form (MyLC - click on Student  --> FERPA Permissions --> Define New FERPA Permissions)

Graduation Petition (MyLC - click on Student --> Graduation)

Major/Minor Form (MyLC - click on Student --> Academics --> Major/Minor Form)

Request for Withdrawal Form (MyLC - Click on Student --> Registration --> Withdrawal Form. Can only be completed during the Withdrawal period each semester). 

Acadeum Consortium Request (Acadeum Portal)

Transient Form (Microsoft Form)

Veteran's Affairs (VA) Benefits Certification Form (Microsoft Form)